The Remedy Cupboard

Audio Remedies to soothe your Soul, ground your body, and bring clarity to your mind.

Like a medicine cabinet for your soul.

Affordable guidance on the go that will regulate your nervous system and reconnect you to your own inner wisdom.

For those moments when you feel a little overwhelmed and alone.

What is it?

The Remedy Cupboard is like a medicine cabinet for your soul. Inside you will find Audio Remedies™ designed to help ground you by regulating your nervous system so you can reconnect to that deep well of wisdom that lives within you.

How it helps...

Whether you’re feeling overwhelmed, facing big a change, grieving a loss, confused on your life path, heartbroken, dreaming of a new life - whatever it may be - The Remedy Cupboard is great place to turn to for affordable support. Always with the main intention to connect your back to - and reinforce trust in - your own inner wisdom.

Tuning into an Audio Remedy™ with help ground you in the present moment, soothe your nervous system, clarify next steps, and re-anchor you to yourself.

In each remedy...

Each Audio Remedy™ is different and created specifically with each topic in mind. However, a few things you will usually find are…

  • A guided somatic exercise to bring you into your body and ground you in the present so you can reconnect to your truth.

  • A simple breathing exercise to soothe your nervous system and create more space in your body and experience.

  • A deep dive into the topic at hand to create a deeper understanding of where you’re at, why, and what are the next best steps.

  • Personal vulnerable (human) stories to relate and connect to so you feel less alone, more seen, and hopefully have a little more compassion and grace for yourself.

  • Helpful reminders to take you out of rumination and overthinking and into a more hopeful and empowered state. It’s easy to lose sight of life and ourselves when we’re dysregulated.

  • Inner knowing prompts (much like journal prompts without the journalling) to connect to your own intuition around what are the right next steps for you.

  • Soothing and grounding music. Binaural beats and music designed to help you ground and relax so you can ground down, reconnect, and let go of holding your whole world up. Even if just for a moment.

Search The Remedy Cupboard

Type in the search bar how you’re feeling and it will automatically populate a list of Audio Remedy recommendations.

You can also just browse the Audio Remedies below to see which one calls to you.

The idea for The Remedy Cupboard came to me in 2019. I was sitting in a coffee shop in Squamish trying to figure out how I could offer support in a way that was more affordable to more people. I looked around in the spiritual and self-help arena and frankly was put off by most of it. I wanted to create something different. Something that didn’t require people to pay a month’s rent just to get the support they needed.

I find it’s often the case that when we need support the most, is when we can’t really afford it. That was certainly true for me.

I remember walking through a particularly intense dark night of the soul and feeling so overwhelmed and alone. Like I was drowning and desperately searching for a bouy but all of them cost thousands of dollars. All of the support I needed and was drawn to was way out of my price range. After a while, a level of defeat started to sink in as it felt like I was drowning and might never find my way to the surface again.

It is incredibly hard to fork up what feels like tons of money when we’re already in a freeze or shutdown state. When we feel lost and overwhelmed and just need someone to help us regulate and reconnect to our own inner wisdom. To put their hand on our back and say, “I got you, and you got this. Now let’s walk together for a bit.”

Because one thing I know for sure - we are not meant to do this alone.

So I hope these Audio Remedies help. I hope you find solace, friendship, and support as you listen. I hope they leave you feeling seen, held, and with a deeper sense of trust in yourself and the divine orchestration of life.

I love your face.

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