Step into your beautiful new beginning.

A 3-month live online program

A gentle holding and guidance space to bolster you up as you cross the threshold from an old life to a new life. Step through fear, follow your heart’s truth, and create a life that brings you alive.

Starting April 18th

The Threshold:

The birth canal of life. The place between an old life and a new one where we are asked to let go of the safe and familiar past, get into radical alignment with our heart’s deepest truth, and step through fear so we can receive our beautiful new beginning.

It’s also the place a lot of us find ourselves looping.

When we ignore the call of our heart, when we are frozen in fear, we don’t transition fully into the new beginning being offered us and we keep ourselves spinning in the cycle of death and rebirth on repeat. Never quite fully breaking through into the creation and expansion phase and holding on to a life and a version of ourselves that is no longer in resonance with our true essence.

In this space we can start to feel...

Exhausted and drained.

Like we don’t have the energy to get moving even if we wanted to. We’re tired of trying so hard and getting nowhere.

Frustrated and Overwhelmed

We start to wonder if we’ll be stuck here forever. We get tired of living the same life story over and over again. Of starting to scratch the surface of our dreams, but never quite breaking through.

Defeated and hopeless

Like we’ve bumped our head up against the wall so many times, tried and failed, we start to wonder if it will ever work out for us. If we’ll ever actually be the person we know we came here to be.

Full of self-doubt

We start to question ourselves, our gifts, our decisions, and who we are on a core level. We sense there is something we are here to offer, but can’t quite connect to it and bring it through.

Overthinking and rumination

We’ve lost sight of ourselves and start to overthink and question everything. We grow stagnant trying to take the next perfect steps in an effort to protect ourselves from the unknown. We get lost in our minds and more and more confused as time goes on.

Anxious and unanchored

We become overwhelmed and full. Life starts to feel like it’s pushing us through a pinhole and like we don’t have the capacity to hold it all. Like it’s all too much we just can’t hold the change being asked of us.

We know we’re ready to change.

We know it’s time.

Yet we can’t quite seem to break through the threshold. We can’t quite let go of the ledge and let ourselves fall into the beautiful new beginning waiting for us.

I was stuck in the threshold for a long time...

For a good 15 years I had been spiralling in an intense repeat cycle of death and rebirth. Every time I managed to get myself standing back up again, the rug would slip from beneath my feet, and I would find my face pressed up against the floor of, yet another, rock bottom.

For a long while I remained in good spirits. Fiercely optimistic and determined to experience the life my heart was calling me to. However, as time went on, the deaths became more intense and the rebirths more and more elusive and almost non-existent, my spirits started to dim and defeat started to take inspiration’ place.

Would I ever be free of this cycle? Would I ever be able to fully express as who I truly am in this life? Will I ever blossom? Will I ever get to experience the full depth and breadth of my potential? Or will I be stuck in the mud forever? Living a life I am settling for, not the one I truly desire.

I tried and tried, again and again, to get my sails up. To set out to sea in hopes of feeling the sun on my face and the wind in my hair. To feel in flow with life. To feel free. To live and create as who, deep down, I have always felt myself to be.

And it was only when I started to let go of all of the plans and stories and ideas of who I thought I would be and what I thought I would be doing, that life started to open up for me again.

It was only when I met the truth that lived on the threshold between my old life and my new one, and honoured the quiet nudges of my heart, that I started to feel the pulse and vibrancy begin to return to my life again.

That I started to not just hope I would feel the dawn of a new beginning, but the energy and inspiration to create and expand into it.

And in the process, I became intimately familiar with the energetics of the theshold. How to navigate it, how to listen to and read the subtle cues, and how to not just sense the new beginning on the horizon - but actually start to live into it.

It felt like I was waking up after a long dark slumber.

I went from burnt out, lost, and defeated, to finally walking into, not just a new chapter, but an entirely new book. One rich in love, community, connection, creativity, abundance, and a deeper - more true - sense of self.

It felt like I was waking up after a long dark slumber.

I now find myself in a beautiful place that inspires me daily, surrounded by a community that feels like home and a group of friends that feel like family.

I met the love of my life randomly and unexpectedly one night at a bonfire and we are due to be married this summer.

My work has slowly become softer, more gentle, and more “me.” A of expression where I can offer my true gifts and feel as if I am fully giving what I came here to give. And I trust I have the time and space to do so at a pace that is right for me.

I have begun to blossom.

It feels as though I have walked through a major threshold and into an era of creation and expansion that will far exceed anything my mind could ever conjure up.

The space between stripped me down to nothing so I could feel the resonance of my own heart and hear the sound of my own truth. And The Threshold invited me to let go of what was and open up to the beauty of what could be by taking the scary steps into the great unknown.

All so I could open up and receive, not the life I thought I should live, but the life my soul knew I needed to live. So I could be everything I had forgotten I always have been.

The new big question is - “how good can you handle it?”

That’s not to say it’s all sunshine and roses.

Make no mistake. I am under no illusion that I am somehow out of the woods. Life is an ongoing death and rebirth cycle. However, I have learnt how to navigate the subtle nuances of each phase so that next time they inevitably come around, I can meet them with more grace, understanding, and ease.

Reconnect to your heart’s deepest truth and create a life from that place.

I’ll meet you in The Threshold.

A 3-month journey with live mentorship and community.

A live online program to help guide you through the threshold and into your beautiful new beginning.

Starting April 18th

  • Weekly mentorship calls

  • Weekly Inner-Knowing Prompts

  • A Monthly Meditation

  • A Community Connection Space

  • *Optional Upgrade* - Monthly 1:1 Session

We are not meant to do this alone. When we try to go it alone, we spiral for longer than we need to and find ourselves even more lost, confused, and doubtful of our own light.

“We’re all just walking each other home.” - Ram Dass

When To Take This Program

If a few of these call to you, this program is for you.

  • This change feels big and you could use some support navigating it.

  • You feel overwhelmed and alone in your experience.

  • You’re tired of looping and never quite breaking through.

  • Life has felt stagnant and you’re craving movement and expansion.

  • You’re having trouble letting go do a few things you know you need to.

  • Perfectionism is creating a frustrating stagnancy and you want to flow.

  • This change is triggering some of your deepest wounds.

  • Fear is making it tough to connect to your inner knowing.

  • You’re overwhelmed and engaging in unhelpful habits to numb out.

  • You’re having a hard time making decisions and taking steps forward.

  • You plan and envision but freeze when it comes time to act.

  • You’re stuck in overthinking and rumination.

  • You know it’s time and you really want to embrace this change.

  • You can no longer live life hiding and shrinking yourself down.

  • You’re ready but some extra support would feel nourishing.

  • You can sense this is not just a new chapter, but a new book.

  • There is a beautiful more aligned vision for your life calling you forward.

  • You want to wake up and be excited to live your life.

  • You’re ready to let your heart take the lead.

How It Will Help

A place to re-anchor.

As we meet our biggest fears in the threshold (the ones we’ve been looping on for a long time) we can start to get lost in overwhelm and anxiety. This program will act as a holding space for you when you to re-stabilize, re-anchor, and regulate so you can remember who you are, where you’re going, and why. Especially when fear and overwhelm make things blurry.

Seen, heard, held.

One of the hardest things about walking the path alone is not having anyone to bear witness to our journey. Not having mirrors to turn to and reflect where we’re at and how far we’ve been or people to hold space for us to fall apart or when we are meeting our deepest darkest fears. There is so much healing to be had and nourishment to be received in being held in community.

Clarity on your heart’s deep truth.

Get clear on what you truly desire - not what your ego desires. Is what you’re calling in what you truly desire? Or is it based on an old dream and an old life? The only energy that works now is the energy of the heart. We must learn how to move from there and trust that when we do, we will be supported by the flow, synchronicity, and the energy of our own integrity and alignment. Together we will make sure you are pointing yourself in the direction that feels truly aligned now.

Simplifying and letting go.

Engage in an energetic spring cleaning. Identify what is no longer in resonance, what is weighing you down, and what it is time to let go of to make room for the beautiful new beginnings trying to meet you now.

Identify fears and blocks.

Together we will get crystal clear on what is keeping you stuck and looping in the threshold. We will uncover the major wounds being pressed on and fears asking to be walked through. We will begin to meet them expanding your capacity for change in the process.

Aligned Action Through Fear.

In the threshold, your fears are the doorways to your new beginning. In the program, we will get clear on what aligned action you are being called to take and how you can start to lean into those fears. This will create movement and flow as you begin to engage with the energy of a new beginning rooted in your heart’s true essence.

Working with masculine and feminine energy.

Is it time to act? Or are you forcing things? Are you blocked from receiving because you don’t really believe yourself worthy? Are you gripping too tightly to the reigns and trying to control the outcome? When is it time to act, and when is it time to soften and receive? Are you working in the masculine when it’s time to lean into the feminine or vice versa? All questions we will address together in the program.

Start to bring your creative vision to life.

Is it a business you want to start? A move you want to make? A career change you want to step into? A relationship you want to call in? Whatever you dream of creating, this container will help you create movement and begin to draw that into your experience.

Community and accountability.

We can go further (and have a much more enjoyable journey along the way) when we go together. Having a place you can turn to when things get tough makes all the difference in whether or not we make out the other side. When there is a community to bolster you up and hold you accountable it makes crossing the threshold infinitely easier.

The Threshold Program is an incubator of sorts. One that will help you stay connected to your heart’s truth when your mind has otherwise stopped you from stepping through the threshold from an old life to a new one. No one can walk your path for you, but it sure helps to have people walking beside you.

In the age of information, typically we do not need to learn more “stuff” (although this program certainly will leave you with a wealth of information on how to walk yourself through any future thresholds) but what we do need, is to simply listen to the truth within, and expand our capacity to live and act in alignment with it.

The Threshold Program will support you to do that.

What You’ll Receive

Weekly Group Mentorship Calls

Every week we will meet for our “Around the Fire” group mentorship session. A 1.5-hour live call with a mix of education and group mentorship. Sessions will all be recorded and both and audio and video file sent via email the next day. Call time: Thursdays 5 pm PST.

Weekly Inner-Knowing Prompts

Each week you will receive an audio and written format of the “inner-knowing prompts.” These prompts that will you stay connected to your own inner-knowing. To your heart’s truth. This program, myself, or any other book or program out there, cannot give you the answers that live in your heart. The most powerful thing we can do is stay connect to our deepest truth, and slowly build our capacity to courageously follow whatever that may be. Which is exactly how you move through the Threshold, and exactly what we will do together.

A Monthly Meditation

Each month you will receive a soothing, grounding, and connective meditation created specifically for this The Threshold program. You can use the meditation of the month daily to help you re-anchor into your heart and ground into the present moment, or turn to it when you’re feeling overwhelmed and in a moment of intensity and discomfort. At the end of our time together, you will have all five meditations to take with you and use whenever you need.

Community & Accountability

During our 5-months together, you will become a part of a private WhatsApp group. This group of lovely humans will become your community and a place of connection and support. A soft place to land and see others in their experience and be seen in yours. There are parts of the journey we’re meant (and need to) walk alone, and then there are parts where we need to be able to fall into the care of people who care for us. This community will be that place. We will also use this space to share and keep accountability with aligned action steps taken.

*Optional Upgrade* - 1:1 Mentorship Session Each Month

For more intimate and personalized support, you have the option to add a monthly 1:1 session with me for the duration of the container (for a total of five sessions). Each month we will schedule a 45-minute sit down session over zoom and do a deep dive into your specific experience. Sessions are usually $250 and offered at a $50 discount. An excellent chance to not only get individual support, but also communal support.

Weekly Outline

Where you’ve been

These weeks we will be all about anchoring into the program and into yourself. Understanding the energetics of a threshold and how to best work with them. Learning where the threshold sits in the descension cycle and why you are where you are. We will identify where you’ve been, where you are now, and where your heart is leading you next. These classes are all about introspection and processing where we’ve been so we can get more clear on where we are going and move from a grounded and connected place.

Week 1 - 2

Who are you now?

These weeks will be all about really getting familiar with your true essence. Perhaps you’ve changed in a big way. Perhaps who you once thought you were is not what resonates now. Perhaps you don’t even recognize yourself anymore and aren’t sure if you can trust which direction to face yourself. We’ll do a little personal deep dive to know your human design, birth chart, and enneagram number. We’ll take some time to sit with who you are now and connect to what your heart truly desires now.

Week 3 -4

Simplify and let go

This week is all about spring cleaning. What are you holding onto that is no longer in resonance? What do you know it’s time to let go of? What feels like a dead weight in your life that you know is keeping you anchored to your past? What distractions and old habits are popping up that aren’t supportive? What do you need to feel safe and supported to finally let go? We will dive into all of these and more while creating the safe space to actually begin to let go.

Week 5

fear as a doorway

This is where we start to shift out of introspection and foundation setting and into the action and expansion part. Shifting the perspective and using the fears popping up as invitations to work with and use as doorways leading to what’s next for you. We’ll talk about the wisdom of the heart vs. the wisdom of fear, identifying the root of the fear, learn to walk with fear, and get clear on what fear is it time to step through and what those next steps are.

Week 6

Aligned action

This is where it gets juicy and we start to create some real movement together. The rest of our time together will be all about dancing with life. Leaning into fears and meeting all the things as we do that with love and compassion. Increasing our capacity for goodness and opening up to receive the beauty that has been knocking at our door. Live calls will be focused solely on group mentorship and pre-submitted questions so you will be supported as you move into and begin to live into your beautiful new beginning.

Week 7 - 12

An important reminder...

We cannot plan or control life to go the way we think it should go. And that includes this program.

Although I have set out an intention, created a space, and set up an outline, I hold it loosely. A big part of this program is being in the present. Learning to tune into the music of the universe and dancing with it. That belief is the very foundation of my work and that includes this program. So things might not go exactly according to schedule or plan, which is a good thing. Because when we let go and make room for our soul to lead the way, we are taken exactly where we need to go.

A large part that will determine how this program goes is who signs up for it, what that collective group of people needs most, and meeting those needs as they morph and change.

Is this for you?

And ultimately, that’s a question only you can really answer. Usually when we’re meant to do something, there’s a quiet knowing speaking to us below the chaotic surface. Something wise and steady deep within telling us to lean in and say “yes.” Even if we’re not sure why or where it will take us.

If you’re facing a big change in your life and you’re feeling overwhelmed and like you could use some guidance and support, this is for you.

Step into your beautiful new beginning.

Starts April 18th

* Special Offer *



Price is in CAD - payment plan available.

One thing to know about me is that I don’t just pump out online programs. In fact, I have a bit of an aversion to them. But when asking myself what I could really offer humanity at this time, it was my in-depth and nuanced understanding of what I call, The Descension Cycle. The spiralling journey we move through as we come home to ourselves. The part of the cycle I noticed people, including myself, get stuck in was the threshold.

I come to you with a great deal of lived experience. No one taught me this, there was no book I read to help me through. What I will be teaching you and guiding you through was all learned through being deep down in the thick of it. Nights upon nights of grief and overwhelm. Countless walks through the forest and long drives listening and integrating the subtle energetic nuances of each space. I offer you the wisdom of experience, not learned knowledge.

Deep down I know that one of the reasons I had such a long and intense experience in the death and rebirth cycle, is because I am meant to guide people through it. To walk alongside people as they find their way home.

This program is a part of that.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to email me…

I’d be happy to answer any and all of them. And if you need a little discovery call, we can hop on for a quick 20-min chat to make sure this is right for you.

I love your face,